Michael, Our Shepherd, a Sketch
If I could draw
I would show you a man prostrate,
the cross in a circle,
a man humble before his God
vowing obedience and trust.
If I could speak
I would say,
“Here is the man God gave us
He poured himself into our ears,
his words, God’s Word, melting the wax of our stubbornness.”
I would show you
Michael among his sheep
weeping for the lost ones,
rejoicing for the found,
gathering us in with his arms.
I would tell you how
he broke bread and held the cup for us,
offering the Body and the Blood
to each of us,
saying our names.
Can you see him
offering Christ’s comfort and peace to broken people
showing God’s kingdom on earth, now,
to people yearning for purpose
too many smiled, shook his hand and turned away.
an you hear him then,
praying, “Lord, why won’t they listen?
How am I to serve you, if they don’t hear?”
And the answer,
“I know the plans I have for you.”
Each of us who stayed to hear
has a piece of Michael to keep,
to show and tell, to treasure:
“He taught me all he….” “He showed me how to…”
“He opened my eyes to see a bit of God.”
One of you could tell us
“He taught me to follow Jesus,
what discipleship really means
He gave me books
his passion inspiring mine.”
Another would cry,
“He showed me the way
through my darkest days,
he visited me
and brought Christ’s peace with him.”
Another could say,
“He told us how he sinned
weeping as he tallied his weaknesses
and I knew,
I knew then I was such a sinner.”
This is the man
our shepherd Michael
whom God knew before time began
and God sent him to us
and God saw that it was good.
Regina H. Williams, December 31, 2008